Christchurch Infant School

School Gallery


Year 2

On 7th June 2024 Year 2 really enjoyed a visit from the 'Liberty's Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre' in Ringwood. The children greatly enjoyed learning the significance of the owl's eye colour and some interesting facts about what they eat and what an owl pellet is! The children heard all about the owl's habitats, food chains and life cycles all of which supports our science learning this term.




 Year 1 - New Forest Wildlife Park



Year 1 - Dinosaur Day





 Year 2 - Marwell Zoo





Year 1 - Crazy Creature visit and Waterproof Science Experiment


Year 1 - Crazy Creature visit and Waterproof Science Experiment





Monday 4th March 2024 - Author Naomi Jones


We welcomed the author Naomi Jones into school for the day on Monday 4th March 2024 and the children greatly enjoyed listening to her stories and learning about how to be an author. We also celebrated our Reading competition winners who met Naomi individually and received a signed copy of one of her books as a prize. 

EYFS Farmer Palmers - March 2024

EYFS Farmer Palmers - March 2024


Healthy Week Activities - 2024

Healthy Week - 2024



Year 1 Fun !!



GFOL Drama from the London Now and Then Project



India Day in Year 2