Christchurch Infant School


Assemblies at Christchurch Infant School

Year Assemblies

Year Assemblies take place each week and are led by local church organisations. Typical assemblies include a faith story and promote values . They are delivered by Christchurch Baptist church and ‘The Open the Book Bible Society ’ . Other hall assemblies are delivered by the Head teacher and curriculum leads. .Themes during the year have included the following:

· British values

· Anti-Bullying

· Black History Month

· Mental Health( Healthy week)

· School learning values


Class assemblies

During the week there are class assemblies. Themes can be linked to our Personal, Social, Health Education lessons ( PSHE) and include the following themes:

· Being Me in My World

· Celebrating Differences

· Dreams and Goals

· Healthy Me

· Relationships

· Changing Me ( Transition)

Other class assemblies link to school values, important events and promoting moral, social and cultural development through stories.


Singing Assemblies

Each week bases come together to learn and sing songs . These assemblies are led by the school music coordinator Mrs Gibson.


Celebration Assembly

On a Friday the year groups come together to celebrate our learning during the week and allow children to show case their work. One child from each class is chosen to receive a special certificate for ‘fantastic ‘ learning . Parents of children receiving certificates are also invited to these assemblies .