Christchurch Infant School



At Christchurch Infant School we aim for all children to develop a love of Reading.

At Christchurch Infant School we aim to teach children to read and understand books in order to develop a love of reading. The love of reading is supported by our inspiring whole class reading texts. Whole class reading allows the children to read a text as a class; this supports their word reading and comprehension learning.

We teach phonics through Read Write Inc, a whole school ‘stage not age’ approach to reading, meaning that children will always be working at an appropriate level for developing their word reading skills.

Reading to your child as well as listening to them read is a simple but powerful tool to boost their overall development. “Each great book develops the imagination and equips the reader with language. Around 75% of our vocabulary comes from our reading.” Pie Corbett


Reading Long Term Subject Map

Reading Curriculum Evening Keystage 1

RWI Expectations of Progress 

Letter and Rewards September 2023

RWI booklet 1

RWI booklet 2